To my surprise, I've never been asked about the meaning of my website name, Yes, it’s Friday. I have no idea if that’s because it seems obvious (in which case I am curious what people think it means), it’s embarrassing to ask, or no one cares. In any case, here’s what it’s all about. During a stressful period in my life, I started asking my husband in the evenings, "Is it Friday yet?" and he always answered, “Yes!” This became a joke between us, but more than that, it was a mentality in the evenings to act like it was Friday night.
Now let me just preface this by saying we are middle-aged suburban parents, so wild and crazy Friday nights are a thing of the past. Once upon a time, Friday night usually meant going to happy hour with a group of friends and co-workers, or dancing the night away. Nowadays it looks more like going out for dinner. But more importantly, it represents being done with work and school, a time to breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to the weekend ahead.
The Friday state of mind is finding your oasis in the midst of whatever you're dealing with in your life. Adulting is hard enough already in our modern world, and add to that work stress, violence in the world, political conflict, medical issues, global pandemics, natural disasters, climate change, family drama, people being unkind or cruel to each other in various ways - it's a lot to cope with! So if you can find little ways to savor life and connect with other humans on a regular basis, it helps to balance things out.
I endeavor to fit Friday into every day while maintaining a fairly healthy lifestyle, so we do things in moderation. For example, we go on mini dates almost every day by taking a walk after dinner. This is a time to hold hands like kids, debrief on what happened that day, solve problems or make plans, and sometimes just admire the scenery and shoot the breeze. When we come home there's usually some kind of treat that is slightly decadent but small. These days we're forgoing alcohol during the week so we keep a stock of non-alcoholic beer and cocktails on hand. Maybe there's some music and dancing in the bathroom when we brush our teeth. You get the idea. Tame but slightly indulgent. Everyday moments of self care and letting loose.
There is also a significance to Friday related to my personal identity. The Korean word for Friday is 금요일 (geum-yo-il). Geum means gold, which of course is a valued precious metal, and yo-il means day of week. The Chinese character (or hanja in Korean, similar to Japanese kanji) for geum (金) is also used to represent the surname 김 (Kim). So it's also related to my last name, which I share with 10 million others in South Korea alone.
The spirit of Yes, it’s Friday is about finding joy and respite in everyday moments. For me that means celebration, pleasure, indulgence, recreation, connection. So that's the story behind the name. Was that what you expected? How do you or could you start to incorporate fun and relaxation in every day like it's always Friday?